2017. február 18., szombat

Random English - Abbot and Costello

I believe some people who've seen Arrival could hear the sounds of the heptapods after watching the movie... at least, for some days. For example, my boyfriend's sleeping was similar to these sounds.

Abbot and Costello. just upside down.

This morning I could hear their sounds while I was running in the fog. Maybe it was just a woodpecker or an oar, bumped against something...

Still, I was wondering, what if it was them who had Ted Chiand write "Story of Your Life"?

A bit Inception-like but who knows, after all they were coming from the future.

I was brave enough to start running before 7 am.

To cut it short, I managed to complete my running plan for this week despite my fears and difficulties, out of my comfort zone. Life goes on, at least, I want it to go on, so I keep on running... but what is waiting for me there? I should consider the possibilities because right now sport is my only anchor. I have no fear, running into the fog.

This does not apply to real life, though, on a figurative level.

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